



Vic Skeens
Owner/Head Trainer



Christi St.Cyr


  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
9am  -  -  -  -  - CF CLASS  



What Is CrossFit?

CrossFit is an incredibly effective method of burning fat and building muscle. We perform functional movements at high intensity, giving you a comprehensive full-body workout in under an hour. Classes are instructor-led and peer-driven, providing an excellent mixture of individual coaching and group motivation. Workouts are constantly varied and unique, ensuring that you always make progress. We combine elements of boot camp workouts, gymnastics (especially rings and floor work), olympic weightlifting, rowing, and running. Some workouts are done for time, others for maximum number of reps. The possibilities for fitness are endless: in one workout, you could be doing pushups, squats, and pullups. In another, you could be doing box jumps, presses, and jump-rope. We have a huge number of exercises to choose from, so working out never becomes boring!

So Why Train In A Box?

The short and sweet is coaching. Can CrossFit be done without a coach? Sure, but it won't be as effective, efficient, or as rewarding in the long run. Certainly, most people who come to CrossFit have trained on their own for years and have reached a point where they've plateaued - mentally or physically, or both. Training in a CrossFit gym (or box as we like to call it) can be humbling, eye-opening, and make fitness "fun" again for those who've lost interest in fitness over the years. Humbling because one realizes they're not as good as they think they are. Eye-opening to new movements, experiences, and intensity in training. And fun like it was as a kid when you moved your body and played with toys in ways that generated fitness without even knowing it. Only now, the toys happen to be such things as ropes, barbells and bumpers, kettlebells, rowers, sleds, and med balls.

So, why train in a CrossFit box? As humans we suffer from routine, fatigue, and favoring the path of least resistance. We focus on what we know (or think we know) about fitness. We believe what we read about excessive cardio as the holy grail of weight loss, when in fact it's short bursts of high intensity exercise coupled with weightlifting that truly provide results. We erroneously believe that fancy weight machines, mirrors, and bicep curls will make us fit, when the reality is that isolation movements and long breaks to stare at ourselves in the mirror equal wasted time (and money) on gym memberships that never bring the results we seek. Instead, pay for training that works and work hard in a box that guarantees results - the CrossFit box. How can we claim a guarantee of results? If you follow our training. If you eat like we tell you. If you rest when you're supposed to. If you push to the limits we tell you - scaled if told to. If you work on the skills like it's your job. And, most importantly, if you show up regularly. We guarantee you'll see results unlike any other training program out there. Again, it's the coaching. And every successful person out there from elite athletes to top professionals has a coach.

More Information Here:
CrossFit.com | CrossFit Journal

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I'm a beginner, is this really for me?

A. Yes!
We are not looking for a particular type of person or athlete. You don't even need to be in shape to start with us. We are only looking for those who are willing to learn and put in the work to reaching their goals or reaching past their goals. Our workouts are scalable to benefit anyone on any fitness level from grandparents to triathletes. We will ensure the weights and intensity are adjusted to suit your capabilities. We want to work with anyone... from collegiate athletes to those that haven't trained in a decade.

Q. What type of exercise program is this; weightlifting, cardio, gymnastics, kettlebells?

A. CrossFit looks at every community in the fitness industry and takes the most beneficial and functional movements and incorporates them together into a unique fitness program. Our program is a comprehensive balance of several fitness concepts aimed at complete fitness. You won’t see a bunch of big weight machines filling the space. You will see Pull up bars, Olympic lifting, running/sprinting, basic gymnastics, kettlebells, jumping and throwing.

Q. What exactly happens during a typical group WOD session?

A. When you come in, a WOD (Workout Of the Day) will be written on the white board. We’ll take you through a warm-up and ensure that you have no questions about the exercise you are going to do. Then, “3 – 2 – 1 – GO!” You work with your group and push yourself to beat your past times or set personal records. Most of the time, you can complete the work out of the day in 30 minutes or less.
Classes usually last from 45 minutes to 1 hour

Q. Is this something I can do at home?

A. Yes. This is something you can definitely do at home. We’d rather you have some sort of CrossFit training in your life than none at all. You’ll at least get some experience learning the CrossFit method. Keep in mind that our facility at CrossFit Hephzibah is dedicated to coaching you, and with our CrossFit Certified Trainers, you’ll learn the movements safer and faster while receive expert coaching. Also, nothing can replicate the experience and effectiveness of the group environment. The support and intensity it generates has consistently proven to produce results very quickly. If you are still set to try this at home, you can follow the WOD’s (daily workouts) from the CrossFit Headquarter’s website. You just need to be aware that these workouts were intended for experienced, elite athletes, so you will have to modify them for the most part. The easiest way to make these modifications is to reduce the weight, lower the reps and shorten the distances. Hopefully, you’ll get into the habit of being productively active and you’ll start to notice improvements.

Q. Is CrossFit safe?

A. We put your safety First. No Exception. There is the existence of threats such as injury from improper form, using too much weight or even the chance of getting Rhabdomyolysis (muscle breakdown from prolonged, excessive muscle strain) which can be life-threatening. Because of this, we require supervision (especially for our new members) during any of our group sessions in order to avoid injury at all costs. Our CrossFit-certified coaches are highly trained and prepared to help you meet your fitness goals in a safe manner. When you train at CrossFit Hephzibah, you’re always under the watchful eyes of a coach.

Q. Will CrossFit make me bulky?

A. You won’t get bulky if you’re only doing CrossFit. However, by eliminating and reducing your body fat and building lean muscle, you’ll have a better defined body. Read this article from Stumptuous written by a woman who is not bulky

Q. Will I gain or lose weight?

A. Either is possible. What is certain is your body will lean up. Muscle mass density is much higher than fat and takes up less space. Depending on your fitness goals, we will work with you on your training program and nutrition to help you lose weight properly or gain weight by building muscle mass.

Q. I play a sport, will this affect my performance?
A. It will definitely affect your performance in a positive way. What often happens when you specialize in one type of activity is you become deficient in other areas. CrossFit allows you to specialize in a broad range of activity and movement. It will increase your strength to weight ratio and your overall work capacity allowing you to play stronger for longer. The CrossFit method has proven well with professional athletes like UFC fighters BJ Penn and Matt Hughes, NHL Star Ethan Moreau, and NFL Players Lorenzo Neal and Knowshon Moreno. CrossFit is also the foundation for the strength and conditioning program for the Florida Marlins, The Colorado State Patrol, Dallas Police Department, Military Special Forces, and the list goes on and on...

. How do I start?

A. Come in for a free beginners' class to get a taste of CrossFit workouts and see if CrossFit Hephzibah might be a good fit for you.

Q. I'm really fit and would like to skip the beginners' class and come to the Workout of the Day (WOD) class, can I do that?
A. No. You must come in for a Beginners class so we can evaluate your Fitness and CrossFit experence level.

Q. I just relocated to Augusta, I've been CrossFitting so long that I named my kids "Fran" and "Helen". Can I please come to a WOD class?

A. We'll need to assess your crossfit abilities and whether or not you need to complete the Beginners Workshop. Unless you've trained extensively at another affiliate and gone through a foundations program there similar to our Beginners Workshop (to learn all the crossfit movements thoroughly and effectively), chances are you'll be required by us to go through our Beginners Workshop

Q.What does the Beginners Workshop cover?

A. Bodyweight exercises. The slow lifts: Squat, Deadlift and Press. Metabolic Conditioning (a.k.a. "MetCon"): Olympic Lifting: Clean, Jerk, Snatch. We do a benchmark workout on day 1 and repeat it on day 6. Once you compare the two scores, you will see how CrossFit works!

Q. What if I can't fit one of the Beginners Workshops into my schedule? Do you do Private Elements?

A. Absolutely. Email us at crossfithephzibah@gmail.com for more info or to set something up.

Q. Do you offer discounted membership to full-time students, active military, police officers, EMTs and firefighters?

A. No, Our rates are already discounted.

Q. Can I sign up for membership online through your website?

A. No, We want to sign you up in person. So walk, run, bike or drive here and sign up!.


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Pricing Options

  • Membership is $75 a month.
    Call 706-829-2438 or email crossfithephzibah@gmail.com for membership prices.
    Drop in fee for experienced CrossFitters is $20 per class.
    We will also be offering a punch card, 10 classes for $120.

Our Location

ADDRESS: 2356-B Highway 88 View Google Map
Hephzibah, GA
PHONE: 706.829.2438
E-MAIL: crossfithepzibah.com
CrossFit.com | CrossFit JournAl